A Private Investigator in Newcastle NSW Discusses Choosing a Home
A Private Investigator in Newcastle NSW Discusses Choosing a Home. Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia nestles on the banks of the Hunter River, and enjoys a humid subtropical climate with warmer drier winters. However, its dependence on coal exports and heavy industry has knocked it back during the economic downturn. This has inevitably encouraged a spike in crime according to our private investigator in Newcastle NSW.
The particular suburb in which we live can make a difference to our lifestyle in many ways. However, folk moving in from another area may have no idea of local crime trends unless they ask the seller. Even then, chances are they will still know far less than the private detectives in our Newcastle NSW office.
Is Newcastle NSW a Hot Spot for Private Detectives and Police?
The city area continues to experience relatively high crime rates owing to a surge in assaults, domestic violence and vandalism.
Moreover, the level of unemployment and alcohol and drug abuse has rippled through the entire Hunter area, spawning drunkenness and vandalism among 16- to 25-year old.
Of course, this is not endemic throughout the area according to our Newcastle NSW undercover agents. There are still loads of decent neighbourhoods that are safe to raise kids without worrying where they are all the time. It is just a matter of doing your research so you know what is happening where, in that part of town.
We spoke to our leading private investigator in Newcastle NSW for their thoughts. They replied the city is not that different from Sydney and Melbourne. You just need to collect the information from reliable sources you can trust. Then you can confirm this by visiting local community organizations.

Newcastle Private Investigator’s Tips: How to Research Crime in a Suburb before Making an Offer
The police in each territory and state gather and publish crime statistics that are available to the public. They break these down into categories including assaults, break-and-enters, thefts, robberies, sexual assaults, and murders among others.
Wannabe property buyers and anyone else can log on to police websites. There, the records are broken down by different local government areas and suburbs. Indeed, it is often possible to view the information online down at the street level. These databases reveal how frequently different crimes took place, and how serious the consequences were.
This information reveals the crime hotspots per area, and this is helpful for anyone wanting to make a wise home purchasing decision. In fact, our Newcastle NSW private eyes regularly access the Queensland Police data in the course of their investigations.
NSW Private Detective’s Tips: How to Use Crime Statistics When Searching for a Home
This is not necessarily a complex process. Although it is time-consuming causing many wannabe Newcastle home buyers to turn to experienced Newcastle private detectives for support. Moreover, you can’t rely entirely on police reports to gain the full picture. That’s because many crimes in suburbs go unreported for reasons we won‘t go into here.
It is therefore extremely important to look beyond your particular suburb of interest for several reasons including these
- Suburban boundaries are artificial: in reality life, and crime flow across them
- Your preferred suburb could be close by one with an uptick in break-ins etc
While official police records precisely reveal the known facts, there’s also no harm in chatting with future near neighbours, and police down at the local station. Most people genuinely want to help, and few things sound sweeter than someone asking our advice.
Our leading private investigator in Newcastle NSW emphasises this fact. I have been in this game for several decades, he says. Trust me, if you want know what is happening in a particular place you have to go there and look. That’s why I rate personal observation high as a factor in any investigation.
A Few Other Important Factors to Consider before Deciding
Crime statistics are important, but they seldom list their root causes in the same place. These are often unemployment and low perceived socio-economic status. Therefore, it can be extremely important to incorporate Australian Bureau of Statistics data in your research.
A suburb or city area in economic downswing can respond with a sudden crime wave when people become desperate. The Bureau of Statistics can be a wealth of truly valuable information, if you have the time and patience to plough through the data.
We have private investigators in our Newcastle, NSW team who have already done the heavy lifting on your behalf. AusCovert Investigations services include preparing suburban profiles, although we are not investment advisers as such. Please call 1800 553 788 if you require further information or post a confidential email to us at any time.
We are private detectives committed to making Newcastle NSW a good place to raise a family, enjoy a successful career, and retire happily on the peaceful shores of the Hunter River upstream.
To discover more, take a tour at www.auscovertinvestigations.com.au/private-investigator-newcastle-nsw