Private investigations in Sydney have always had a family flavour to them, in particular when it came to approving suitors and matters of infidelity between partners. However, there’s a new trend in Sydney private investigations. Now we have rich parents calling weekly and wanting to know what their kids are up to.
Sydney Private Eyes Spying on Adolescent Drug Users
The Australian Government Department of Health continues to report a steady uptick in student use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. These activities can affect physical, mental and social wellbeing. Moreover, they can also introduce children and teens to unsavoury characters.
Our personal detectives in Sydney know the warning signs to watch for. We know of ring leaders and drug dealers in Sydney’s primary and secondary schools, and at college and university level. We have several already under surveillance on other cases. Hence AusCovert Investigations is able and ready to help you too.
Our Sydney Private Investigations Reveal the Scourge is Spreading
The drug and e-cigarette scourge is spreading fast, as kids find new ways to satisfy natural curiosity. We also see a steady uptick in related missing person cases. It is therefore essential parents stay on top of what their kids are up to while they are work. Desperation can lead to taking bad drugs and dangerous mixtures too.
We, the private detective, and you the parent have to become wiser about the situation in our educational institutions. We can’t be with our children all the time. The most we can do is prepare them for life, and hope they say safe. Addiction gets worse, not better over time. An experienced specialist detective keeps a watchful eye over young adults when their parents are at work, or asleep at night.
How Can I Tell My Kid is Drinking, Smoking or Taking Drugs
Kids hiding the truth from parents, often belong to peer-groups where these things are the new normal in their lives. The deeper they go, the less relevant their parents become in terms of emotional support. Of course, this is also a normal adolescent phase and therefore you need to tread gently.
If your teen seems disconnected or remote, this does not necessarily mean they are smoking, taking drugs or drinking. Therefore, you need to know whether there is any corroboratory evidence first. They may just be going through an identity crisis as they discover who they are.
- Give your child a hug when they come home. Your nose will tell you whether they have been vaping, smoking, or using alcohol. Catch a whiff of their breath, their clothing and their hair. However, you may not need one of our Sydney personal investigators. They may have just have got out of hand at a party.
- Look them straight in the eyes as you welcome them. If they have been taking marijuana, their eye lids may be drooping, with small pupils and red eyes. However, if they have been drinking their eyes could be wider with some difficulty focusing. A flushed face or red cheeks are also warning signs.
- Be alert for sudden mood changes after they return home. Many of our teenage private investigations in Sydney begin after parents spot mood swings. If your kid is laughing like mad, or sullen and withdrawn they may experimenting with hard drugs and that’s a real worry.
How To Be Sure You Really Know What’s Happening
You don’t have too many chances to get this one right. That’s because you will drive a wedge if your child is innocent because they will feel you betrayed their trust. On the other hand, if they are drugging you need hard evidence or you may come off second best.
It could be time to speak to an experienced private investigator who knows the Sydney drug scene well. Our people are deeply experienced; it is as if they have a sixth sense.
Give us a call on 1800 553 788 for a confidential chat and share your concerns. We won’t charge for the first 30 minutes because that’s how long it can take to confirm you have a problem on your hands. We’ll arrange for a member of our Sydney private investigations team to visit when your kid is at home.
Our drug team members bond easily with young people, and they will spot the warning signs soon because that’s why we chose them. They will write a short confidential report for your eyes only, with recommendations what to do next. It’s up to you if you decide to continue. You can call now if you want to. We are ready with help as soon as you need us.