In today’s world, law enforcement agencies have access to cutting-edge technology, including computer tools, to track down criminals. Here’s a look at some common methods used to search for people based on their online activities.
Exploring Social Networks
When traditional searches for a suspect prove unsuccessful, the internet can be a valuable resource. Almost everyone has profiles on social networks where they share personal information and photos.
In some cases, a phone number may be listed on the profile. If not, investigators can examine the suspect’s contacts. If the account is active, it’s possible to locate the individual using geolocation data.
If necessary, detectives can reach out to the people the suspect has been in contact with, who may be able to provide further information on the person’s whereabouts.

Identifying the IP Address
Obtaining a suspect’s IP address is usually not difficult for law enforcement. One can frequently find this information on social networks.
Traceability of the internet service provider that connected a user to the network is achievable by investigators through computer utilization, leading them to obtain their address. If a portable device was used, its signal can be intercepted via satellite systems, even in remote locations.
Using such methods, an exact location can be pinpointed, showing where the person was at a specific time. Based on this information, detectives can identify and contact people the suspect may have interacted with.
Opening Email
To send files, photographs, and communicate with others, everybody uses email. You can discover who someone is in contact with by accessing their email and viewing their messages. With this information, identification of people of interest and gathering data on their actions can be facilitated.
Investigation can be aided by frequent email usage as it reveals valuable information such as occupation, workplace, and other significant details of an individual.
Gathering Financial Information
Tracking money transfers is relatively simple. Any information related to an account, like deposit or withdrawal dates and times, must be furnished by banks as mandatory.
The card owner can be identified with the information provided if someone transfers money to a specific card number. Both sender and recipient’s information are recorded during online money transfer. A connection to a person of interest can occur, despite an unknown recipient.
Private Detectives Prevent Crimes Through Undercover Operations
Police officers and private detectives frequently avert planned crimes by posing as potential victims of scammers. Discussions related to scams are where they engage on social networks and forums. They can identify scammers and gather evidence of fraud by doing so. Also, they can stimulate victims to let authorities know about the crime. Meanwhile, criminals may believe they have evaded detection by changing their phone number or email address.
AusCovert Investigations is the best choice for searching someone’s online activities
In today’s digital world, searching someone’s online activities can be crucial for personal or professional reasons. You may want to know what your partner, child, employee, or competitor is doing on the internet. But how can you find out without invading their privacy or breaking the law? The answer is AusCovert Investigations, the best choice for searching someone’s online activities. They have the expertise, tools, and methods to track and analyze any online behavior, such as browsing history, search queries, social media posts, online purchases, and more. They can also help you protect yourself from hackers, cybercriminals, and online threats. Whether you need to monitor, verify, or investigate someone’s online activities, AusCovert Investigations can help you get the information you need in a discreet and ethical way. Contact them today and let them handle your online investigation needs.